AI Awesomeness: 2020 Update! Microsoft Cognitive Services Speaker Recognition API

A while back I showed how to use the Microsoft Speaker Recognition APIs in the simplest way I could think of; using a web page to record audio and call the various APIs to set up and test Speaker Verification and Speaker Identification.

Honestly, the hardest part of this by far was getting the audio recorded in the correct format for the APIs to accept! I hacked the wonderful recorderjs from Matt Diamond to set the correct bitrate, channels, etc, and eventually got there through trial and error (and squinting at the minified source code of the Microsoft demo page)!

In the run up to //Build this year, there have been a lot of changes in the Microsoft AI space.

One of these changes managed to break my existing Speaker Recognition API applications (it’s still in Preview, so don’t be surprised!) by moving Speaker Recognition under the Speech Service project, slightly changing the APIs and their endpoints, and adding new functionality (exciting!)

In this article I’ll show the same web page implementation, but use the updated 2020 Speaker Recognition APIs, and introduce the new Verification API that doesn’t rely on a predefined list of passphrases.

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AI Awesomeness Part Deux! Microsoft Cognitive Services Speaker Identification

The Speaker Recognition API: AI Awesomeness

In a recent article I introduced Microsoft Cognitive Services’ Speaker Verification service, using a recording of a person repeating one of a set of key phrases to verify that user by their voiceprint.

The second main feature of the Speaker Recognition API is Speaker Identification, which can compare a piece of audio to a selection of voiceprints and tell you who was talking! For example, both Barclays and HSBC banks have investigated using passive speaker identification during customer support calls to give an added layer of user identification while you’re chatting to customer support. Or you could prime your profiles against all the speakers in a conference, and have their name automatically appear on screen when they’re talking in a panel discussion.

In this article I’m going to introduce you to the Speaker Identification API from the Cognitive Services and go through an example of using it for fun and profit! Though mainly fun.

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AI Awesomeness! Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech Verification

AI Awesomeness: The Speaker Recognition API

Microsoft have been consistently ramping up their AI offerings over the past couple of years under the grouping of “Cognitive Services”. These include some incredible offerings as services for things that would have required a degree in Maths and a deep understanding of Python and R to achieve, such as image recognition, video analysis, speech synthesis, intent analysis, sentiment analysis and so much more.

I think it’s quite incredible to have the capability to ping an endpoint with an image and very quickly get a response containing a text description of the image contents. Surely we live in the future!

In this article I’m going to introduce you to the Cognitive Services, focus on the Speech Recognition ones, and implement a working example for Speaker Verification.

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Generating Image Hashtags using Microsoft’s Computer Vision API

Whatever your social media tool of choice is these days, it’s almost guaranteed to be filled with images and their associated hashtags #sorrynotsorry #lovelife #sunnyday

Sometimes coming up with those tags is more work than perfectly framing your latest #flatlay shot.

In the age of amazing image recognition tech, it must be possible to create something that can help us out and give us more time to move that light source around to cast the right shadow over your meal.

Turns out, it is possible! Yay! (of course..)

In this article I’ll show you how to automatically generate image hashtags via a chatbot using Microsoft’s Computer Vision API.

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Sending Proactive Botframework Messages

Having a botframework chatbot up and running and responding to user messages is one thing, but how can you send a new message to bring the user back into the conversation if they haven’t just sent a new message for you to reply to?

The botframework documentation and other tutorials will point you towards using Azure Functions and the new ActivityType.Trigger to handle this which, although being a great use case for Azure Functions, make the underlying implementation harder to understand. It also means you couldn’t easily implement this on AWS, for example.

In this article I’ll show you how to easily implement Proactive Botframework Messaging just using BotFramework fundamentals.

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Rich botframework conversation cards

In the last article about bots I covered creating a basic bot using Microsoft’s botframework, setting up Azure, deploying the bot into Azure, and configuring it to work within Skype.

In this article we’re going to investigate the various response types available to us in the botframework to develop a more rich conversational experience.


Luckily you’re not limited to plain text in a bot conversation; we’re able to embed images, add attachments, give headers and subheaders, add a button or link, tap events for various areas, as well as use markdown to format the main text content.

If you’re not already familiar with Markdown, then get on the case! It means you can very easily write HTML by using a shorthand syntax which can easily be converted to HTML.

I’ve been using it for many years for blogging and general documentation; using pandoc you can even convert markdown to PDF or a Word Doc. Using remark.js or the more recent Marp you can use it to easily create PowerPoint-like presentations

markdown example

Botframework messages support using this syntax to make the responses more rich. Of course, for this to work, the attached service needs to know how to render the response (and I’ll get on to this later)

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Create your first botframework bot in Azure!

At //Build 2016 Microsoft unleashed something known as the Bot Framework; a set of three products to help you build conversational bots and connect them with services, like Slack, Skype, and even Email and SMS.

The Bot Framework has a number of components including the Developer Portal, Bot Builder, and the Bot Directory:

  • Developer Portal is where you wire your bot up to existing services like Skype and Slack
  • Bot Directory is where you publish your bot to so that others can search for and connect it to their Skype and Slack
  • Bot Builder is what you use to implement a more complex and intelligent conversational flow, optionally leveraging the awesome power of some of the Microsoft Research’s Cognitive Services for language interpretation, image recognition, and much more.

In this article I’m going to take you through the process of creating, deploying, and configuring your own Skype bot.

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Azure WebJobs and Azure Scheduler

Creating functionality in Azure to subscribe to messages on a queue is so 2013. You have to set up a service bus, learn about queues, topics, maybe subscribers and filters, blah, BLAH, BLAH.

Let’s not forget configuring builds and deployments and all that.

Fun though this may be, what if you want to have just the equivalent of a cronjob or scheduled task kicking off every few hours or days for some long-running or CPU-intensive task

Scheduled tasks – Old School: IaaS

Well, sure, you could create a VM, log in, and configure cron/scheduled tasks. However, all the cool kids are using webjobs instead these days. Get with the programme, grandpa! (Or something)

So what’s a webjob when it’s at home?

It depends. Each version is the equivalent of a small console app that lives in the ether (i.e., on some company’s server in a rainy field in Ireland), but how it kicks off the main functionality is different.

These webjobs can be deployed as part of a website, or ftp-ed into a specific directory; we’ll get onto this a bit later. Once there, you have an extra dashboard available which gives you a breakdown of the job execution history.

It uses the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Jobs assemblies and can be best installed via nuget:

Install-Package Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Jobs.Host -Pre

(Notice the “-Pre”: this item is not fully cooked yet. It might need a few more months before you can safely eat it without fear of intestinal infrastructure blowout)

Let’s check out the guts of that assembly shall we?

Jobs - attributes

We’ll get onto these attributes momentarily; essentially, these allow you to decorate a public method for the job host to pick up and execute when the correct event occurs.

Here’s how the method will be called:
host - assemly methods

Notice that all of the other demos around at the moment not only use RunAndBlock, but they don’t even use the CancellationToken version (if you have a long running process, stopping it becomes a lot easier if you’re able to expose a cancellation token to another – perhaps UI – thread).

Setting it up

Right now you have limited options for deploying a webjob.

For each option you firstly need to create a new Website. Then click the WebJobs (Preview) tab at the top. Click Add at the bottom.

Now it gets Old Skool.


Zip the contents of your app’s bin/debug folder, call it (I don’t actually know if the name matters though).

Enter the name for your job and browse to the zip file to upload.

You can choose; run continuously, run on a schedule (if you have Azure Scheduler Preview enabled), and run on demand.

There’s a great article on covering this method.


Webjobs are automagically picked up via convention from a particular directory structure. As such, you can choose to ftp (or other deployment method, perhaps via WebDeploy within the hosting website itself, a git commit hook, or a build server) the files that would have been in the zip into:

site\wwwroot\App_Data\jobs\{job type}\{job name}

What I’ve discovered doing this is that the scheduled jobs are in fact actually triggered jobs, which means that they are actually triggered via an HTTP POST from the Azure Scheduler.

There’s a nice intro to this over on Amit Apple’s blog

When to execute

Remember those attributes?

Jobs - attributes

Storage Queue

One version can be configured to monitor a Storage Queue (NOT a service bus queue, as I found out after writing an entire application to do this, deploy it, then click around the portal for an entire morning, certain I was missing a checkbox somewhere).

By using the attribute [QueueInput] (and optionally [QueueOutput]) your method can be configured to automatically monitor a Storage Queue, and execute when the appropriate queue has something on it.


A method with the attribute [BlobInput] (and optionally [BlobOutput]) will kick off when a blob storage container has something uploaded into it.

Woah there!
Yep, that’s right. Just by using a reference to an assembly and a couple of attributes you can shortcut the entire palava of configuring azure connections to a namespace, a container, creating a block blob reference, and/or a queue client, etc; it’s just there.

Crazy, huh?

On Demand

When you upload your webjob you are assigned a POST endpoint to that job; this allows you to either click a button in the Azure dashboard to execute the method, or alternatively execute it via an HTTP POST using Basic Auth (automatically configured at the point of upload and available within the WebJobs tab of your website).

You’ll need a [NoAutomaticTrigger] or [Description] attribute on this one.


If you successfully manage to sign up for the Azure Scheduler Preview then you will have an extra option in your Azure menu:

finding scheduler

Where you can even add a new schedule:

setting up scheduler

This isn’t going to add a new WebJob, just a new schedule; however adding a new scheduled webjob will create one of these implicitly.

In terms of attributes, it’s the same as On Demand.

How to execute

Remember those methods?

host - assemly methods


These require the Main method of your non-console app to instantiate a JobHost and “runandblock”. The job host will find a matching method with key attribute decorations and depending on the attributes used will fire the method when certain events occur.

static void Main()
JobHost h = new JobHost();

public static void MyAwesomeWebJobMethod(
[BlobInput("in/{name}")] Stream input,
[BlobOutput("out/{name}")] Stream output)
// A new cat picture! Resize all the things!

Scott Hanselman has a great example of this.


Using some basic reflection you can look at the class itself (in my case it’s called “Program”) and get a reference to the method you want to call such that each execution just calls that method and stops.

static void Main()
var host = new JobHost();

public static void MyAwesomeWebJobMethod()
// go find epic cat pictures and send for lulz.

I needed to add in that [NoAutomaticTrigger] attribute, otherwise the webjob would fail completely due to no valid method existing.

In summary

WebJobs are fantastic for those offline, possibly long running tasks that you’d rather not have to worry about implementing in a website or a cloud service worker role.

I plan to use them for various small functions; at Mailcloud we already use a couple to send the sign-ups for the past few days to email and hipchat each morning.

Have a go with the non-scheduled jobs, but if you get the chance to use Azure Scheduler it’s pretty cool!

Good luck!


Generate a Blob Storage Web Site using RazorEngine

Last episode I introduced the concept of utilising RazorEngine and RazorMachine to generate html files from cshtml Razor view files and json data files, without needing a hosted ASP.Net MVC website.

We ended up with a teeny ikkle console app which could reference a few directories and spew out some resulting html.

This post will build on that concept and use Azure Blob Storage with a worker role.

File System

We already have a basic RazorEngine implementation via the RenderHtmlPage class, and that class uses some basic dependency injection/poor man’s IoC to abstract the functionality to pass in the Razor view, the json data, and the output location.


The preview implementation of the IContentRepository interface merely read from the filesystem:

[csharp]namespace CreateFlatFileWebsiteFromRazor
internal class FileSystemContentRepository : IContentRepository
private readonly string _rootDirectory;
private const string Extension = ".cshtml";

public FileSystemContentRepository(string rootDirectory)
_rootDirectory = rootDirectory;

public string GetContent(string id)
var result =
File.ReadAllText(string.Format("{0}/{1}{2}", _rootDirectory, id, Extension));
return result;


A similar story for the IDataRepository file system implementation:

[csharp]namespace CreateFlatFileWebsiteFromRazor
internal class FileSystemDataRepository : IDataRepository
private readonly string _rootDirectory;
private const string Extension = ".json";

public FileSystemDataRepository(string rootDirectory)
_rootDirectory = rootDirectory;

public string GetData(string id)
var results =
File.ReadAllText(string.Format("{0}/{1}{2}", _rootDirectory, id, Extension));
return results;


Likewise for the file system implemention of IUploader:

[csharp]namespace CreateFlatFileWebsiteFromRazor
internal class FileSystemUploader : IUploader
private readonly string _rootDirectory;
private const string Extension = ".html";

public FileSystemUploader(string rootDirectory)
_rootDirectory = rootDirectory;

public void SaveContentToLocation(string content, string location)
string.Format("{0}/{1}{2}", _rootDirectory, location, Extension), content);

All pretty simple stuff.

Blob Storage

All I’m doing here is changing those implementations to use blob storage instead. In order to do this it’s worth having a class to wrap up the common functions such as getting references to your storage account. I’ve given mine the ingenious title of BlobUtil:

[csharp]class BlobUtil
public BlobUtil(string cloudConnectionString)
_cloudConnectionString = cloudConnectionString;

private readonly string _cloudConnectionString;

public void SaveToLocation(string content, string path, string filename)
var cloudBlobContainer = GetCloudBlobContainer(path);
var blob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(filename);
blob.Properties.ContentType = "text/html";

using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content)))

public string ReadFromLocation(string path, string filename)
var blob = GetBlobReference(path, filename);

string text;
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memoryStream.ToArray());
return text;

private CloudBlockBlob GetBlobReference(string path, string filename)
var cloudBlobContainer = GetCloudBlobContainer(path);
var blob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(filename);
return blob;

private CloudBlobContainer GetCloudBlobContainer(string path){
var account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(_cloudConnectionString);
var cloudBlobClient = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference(path);
return cloudBlobContainer;

This means that the blob implementations can be just as simple.

IContentRepository – Blob Style

Just connect to the configured storage account, and read form the specified location to get the Razor view:

[csharp]class BlobStorageContentRepository : IContentRepository
private readonly BlobUtil _blobUtil;
private readonly string _contentRoot;

public BlobStorageContentRepository(string connectionString, string contentRoot)
_blobUtil = new BlobUtil(connectionString);
_contentRoot = contentRoot;

public string GetContent(string id)
return _blobUtil.ReadFromLocation(_contentRoot, id + ".cshtml");

IDataRepository – Blob style

Pretty much the same as above, except with a different “file” extension. Blobs don’t need file extensions, but I’m just reusing the same files from before.

[csharp]public class BlobStorageDataRespository : IDataRepository
private readonly BlobUtil _blobUtil;
private readonly string _dataRoot;

public BlobStorageDataRespository(string connectionString, string dataRoot)
_blobUtil = new BlobUtil(connectionString);
_dataRoot = dataRoot;

public string GetData(string id)
return _blobUtil.ReadFromLocation(_dataRoot, id + ".json");

IUploader – Blob style

The equivalent for saving it is similar:

[csharp]class BlobStorageUploader : IUploader
private readonly BlobUtil _blobUtil;
private readonly string _outputRoot;

public BlobStorageUploader(string cloudConnectionString , string outputRoot)
_blobUtil = new BlobUtil(cloudConnectionString);
_outputRoot = outputRoot;
public void SaveContentToLocation(string content, string location)
_blobUtil.SaveToLocation(content, _outputRoot, location + ".html");

Worker Role

And tying this together is a basic worker role which looks all but identical to the console app:

[csharp]public override void Run()
var cloudConnectionString =

IContentRepository content =
new BlobStorageContentRepository(cloudConnectionString, "content");

IDataRepository data =
new BlobStorageDataRespository(cloudConnectionString, "data");

IUploader uploader =
new BlobStorageUploader(cloudConnectionString, "output");

var productIds = new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" };
var renderer = new RenderHtmlPage(content, data);

foreach (var productId in productIds)
var result = renderer.BuildContentResult("product", productId);
uploader.SaveContentToLocation(result, productId);

The Point?

By setting the output container to be public, the html files can be browsed to directly; we’ve just created an auto-generated flat file website. You could have the repository implementations access the local file system and the console app access blob storage; generate the html locally but store it remotely where it can be served from directly!

Given that we’ve already created the RazorEngine logic, the implementations of content location are bound to be simple. Swapping file system for blob storage is a snap. Check out the example code over on github

Next up

There’s a few more stages in this master plan, and following those I’ll swap some stuff out to extend this some more.